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  • 하나님의 사람으로 온전케 하며 모든 선한 일을 행하기에 온전케 하려 함이니라
  • 교육부
    • 유초등부 New Life Kids

      • 대상 Pre-K to 5th Grade
      • 장소 NEW LIFE CHAPEL
      • 시간 매주일 10:00 AM

      Our New Life Kids ministry is for our Pre-K to 5th grade students. New Life Kids meets at 10 AM on Sundays for chapel and Sunday school class.

      Jesus storybook bible

      If you are seeking additional resources for spiritual nurture at home, you are more than welcome to use our lessons from the Jesus Storybook Bible(https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aUfhsiIcPEiwhB4Qvrk9AmD_xOiG9bt_)

    • New Life Youth


      • 시간 EVERY SUNDAY 10:00 AM

      NLY Friday NIGHTS

      • 장소 NEW LIFE CAFE
      • 시간 EVERY FRIDAY 7 PM

      Gospel-Centered Teaching

      We believe God’s Word is sufficient to teach, reprove, correct, and train us in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Our desire is to encourage our students to treasure the Word so they may cling to Christ and find their joy and identity in Him alone. With this aim, our curriculum for Sunday School and Friday Bible Study is centered on studying and applying Scripture.

      Gospel-Centered Community

      We hold firm to God’s instruction to grow in faith as a gospel-centered community (Hebrews 10:24-25). Our Bible studies are driven by a small group/class structure designed to nurture our students’ love for the Lord and desire to study the Word and share how God is transforming their lives. We also provide opportunities for students to “do life” together through retreats and monthly fellowship activities.

      Gospel-Centered Missions

      As we guide our students to acknowledge their need for the saving grace of Jesus Christ, we encourage them to grow in their understanding of this same need among our neighbors, both locally and abroad (Matthew 5:16). With this aim, we participate in activities that support both the local and global outreach efforts of our church.

    • New Life College


      Join us in the New Life Chapel every Friday at 7:30PM for worship and fellowship.


      Have a meal on us! Our Sunday Bites lunch fellowship meets every week after 12 PM service.